Mental health support over exam results season is an online mental wellbeing community which was launched in Northumberland in June. It provides free, safe and anonymous support for children and young people between 11 and 25.

Kooth has launched the #positivefutures campaign to help young people through the exam results season; which can be an incredibly stressful and uncertain time for many.

Kooth has produced an exam support leaflet aimed at parents and carers which can help with understanding results, keeping calm and planning options for the future if things don’t go to plan. Kooth is also piloting a series of podcast programmes. The first one is out now on Spotify and is a brilliant discussion on self-esteem. If you have a spotify account this can be listened to by clicking here

Please also keep an eye out for Kooth’s #positivefutures campaign on social media where they will be sharing content, news and updates.

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